Color 3-D Prints VRML V2.0 Downloads

by Stewart Dickson

Color Studies of Enneper's Minimal Surface

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Blue-Green (391k) VRML V2.0

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Blue-Green (50k) JPEG rendered image

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Red-Blue (395k) VRML V2.0

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Red-Blue (55k) JPEG rendered image

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Red-Green (391k) VRML V2.0

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Red-Green (52k) JPEG rendered image

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Red-Green-Blue (404k) VRML V2.0

Enneper's Minimal Surface in Red-Green-Blue (58k) JPEG rendered image

Software Used to Create this Object

Color Snakeskin Texture-Mapped Trefoil Torus Knot

Green Snakeskin-textured Trefoil Torus Knot (3.6M) VRML V2.0

Green Snakeskin-textured Trefoil Torus Knot (181k) GIF rendered image

Color Study of a Speculative Hyperspace Extension of Costa's Genus-One, Three-Ended Minimal Surface

A hyper-space analog of Costa's Genus 1, Three-Ended Minimal Surface (131k) VRML V2.0
A hypersphere of two sheets opened at three points (in 4-D)
A hyper-space analog of Costa's Genus 1, Three-Ended Minimal Surface (115k) JPEG rendered image

Logarithmic Spiral Snail

A logarithmic Spiral Snail with colored texture (3.7M) VRML V2.0
A logarithmic Spiral Snail with colored texture (57k) JPEG rendered image

Fermat's Last Theorem

Fermat's Last Theorem (110k) VRML V2.0
Also known as a Calabi-Yau Cross Section of the 6D manifold embedded in CP4 described in string theory.
Fermat's Last Theorem (121k) JPEG rendered image

3-D Fractals

3-D fractal Julia set, computed in Quaternion 4-space (5.0M)
PK-zip package of MS '.BMP' color images, as per the slice-wise data interface to the Z Corp color printer, developed by RIKEN Institute.
RIKEN-style Slice-data description file for above (16 bytes)

Painted Vases

A vase, generated as a sine wave of revolution, painted with Georges Seurat's "Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of the Grande Jatte" (3.9M) VRML V2.0
A vase, generated as a sine wave of revolution, painted with Georges Seurat's "Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of the Grande Jatte" (37k) JPEG rendered image

A vase, generated as a sine wave of revolution, painted with Gustav Klimt's "Emilie" (3.6M) VRML V2.0
A vase, generated as a sine wave of revolution, painted with Gustav Klimt's "Emilie" (22k) JPEG rendered image

A vase, generated as a sine wave of revolution, painted with "Red" by an unknown artist (4.4M) VRML V2.0
A vase, generated as a sine wave of revolution, painted with "Red" by an unknown artist (52k) JPEG rendered image

Other Software

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