
by Stewart Dickson

This is a program, written using Open Inventor to be used for creating a three-dimensional morph between two extreme target shapes.

The program reads and writes Open Inventor format geometrical obejct description files.

The program has an interactive and a non-interactive, batchable mode.

Program Command Usage

morphObj [options] infile1.iv infile2.iv [outfile.iv]


User Interface

When the -gui option is specified on the command line (and outfile is omitted), the program launches an Open Inventor SoXtExaminerViewer containing the morphed version between the specified Open Inventor target extreme infiles. SoXtExaminerViewer allows the user to interactively zoom and tumble the object under control of the mouse. The user may also change the style of rendering of the displayed object(s).

Along with the SoXtExaminerViewer is displayed a UI window marked Morph Control. This window contains a Thumbwheel and TextField to allow the user to adjust the linear interpolation applied between to the world-space vertices of the two input objects.

When the -gui option is used, the user is expected to use the File->Save... menu in the user interface to save the morphed object, when the parameter is adjusted to the desired value.

The morphObj user interface also contains controls to turn off and on the original infile geometry and the morphed version of the same. The two may be viewed simultaneously when rendered in wireframe or hidden line mode. The display state does not affect the output written to outfile. Only the morphed object will be written to the output at the current value of the interpolation parameter, no matter what combination of objects are displayed.


MorphObj assumes that the given infiles refer to the same number of vertices. If the infiles contain differing numbers of vertices, only the vertices up to the lesser of the two will be interpolated.

Morphing between objects of differing topology will yield unpredicatble results.

See Also