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Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

Gya Mon doesn't like it this way. The underground Cyber-Tantra is creating at a higher rate than he ever could have imagined. Information is flowing through it unbridled. The flow of inventions and discoveries out of the Tantric Underground is unstoppable.

Gya Mon had so much more control before. Everyone listened to him. He made the discoveries. He had followers.

He'll go back to Steve and get him to put some kind control on it. He'll make it so that no one can connect without him. Steve will know what to do.


In Steve's office at FermiLab, the telephone rings.

"Hello Stephen," The voice on the line is silky-smooth.

"Gya Mon?" Steve asks.

Gya Mon persists, "Stephen my friend."

Steve says, "Gya Mon, listen I don't have much time. I'm leaving on the shuttle in the morning. You know I'm going to Mars Colony, Right?"

Steve casts a glance over to an architectural model in the middle of his office. In its simplified form, the model he has built bears an uncanny resemblance to the Mayan village in Julia's dream.

Gya Mon is disappointed, "Stephen, so soon?"

Steve is impatient, "What do you need Gya Mon?"

Gya Mon says, "Stephen, Our device. It's being bootlegged. People are wiring themselves. I bought the patent from you. I should have the control. Stephen you have to help me stop them. "

Steve resists, "Gya Mon, I can't. I don't have the time. My tactile device would be too difficult to put controls on. It's the combination of my tactile device and Ben's autonomous web agent any way. That's what they want. It's the two working together. Ben's software would be easier to re-write then re-wiring my tactile device. Why don't you get ahold of Ben and ask him to put controls on his web agent?"

Gya Mon understands he will get nowhere here, "Thank you Stephen. You are right of course. You prove yourself a genius once again. Please have the safest of trips. I hope you enjoy The Colony."


Larry places a 'call' to Steve via an I-Talk session. He says, "Steve, the story behind this object is fairly bizarre. People in your tele-touch sessions are saying that 'whales' 'told' them this shape in full three-D." On the screen, he shows him an interactive VRML display of his new data. Larry says, "Can you build me one last object before you go?"

Steve says, "Sure, I have a new prototype machine which builds directly in Titanium. I'll have it for you in a day or so."


Gya Mon goes to Ben to help him stop the bootlegging of his Cyber-Tantra service.

He says, "Ben, you must install encryption in your program, so that only authorized subscribers may connect."

Ben says, "Gya Mon, your server has a complete secure transaction interface. The problem is with the people who have bootlegged Steve's person-to-person communication software. I'm afraid that program is so simple there's not much that can be done."


Steve is working in his lab.

Ben storms in. "I can't believe you persist in this detached view of FEEL-U-FEEL-ME! You've unleashed this monster and you're taking absolutely no responsibility for it!"

Steve looks up, his face showing a defensive stance, but he speaks calmly, "You do not know where it is leading."

Ben shouts back, "And neither do you -- you are doing nothing about it!"

Steve replies, in the same restrained tone, "I can't tell you what I know. But I know that you are wrong about Feel-U-Feel-Me. It is only dangerous in the hands of those who do not know its true potential."

Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

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