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Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

Ben arrives at an office of an Assistant District Attorney in San Francisco. He carries tapes of Gya Mon's sexual adventures on-line. Ben has finally convinced the A.D.A. that there is something here that should be investigated, but it has been an uphill battle.

Ben explains, "He's extremely manipulative in these encounters he sets up. My partner feels she was raped by him in one of his telepresence sessions."

The Assistant D. A. is not impressed, as they begin to view the first tape. There is an uncomfortable silence as the lurid images of Gya Mon's Cyber-Tantra sessions play out on the screen. The first tape finishes. The second tape shows Gya Mon giving his instructions to student after student.

When the last tape is finished, the A.D.A. says, "I'm sorry, these sessions appear to be consentual. The overturn of the Communications Decency Act has our hands tied. We'll continue to monitor this, but I'm afraid our law hasn't caught up with your technology yet."

"Thank you," Ben says, resigned to having not made much progress at this front.


In Ben's Office at home, he is in the middle of a phone conversation with Congresswoman Theresa Bennett.

Ben says, "Yes, that's the same thing the Assistant D. A. said. I know you can't do anything to Gya Mon."

His frustration grows as he listens to the voice on the other end. "I know. It's not regulated enough. I believe people are getting hurt and ripped-off. Can't we pass a bill or something?"

"You know kids have access to this Feel-U-Feel-Me." "Yes, yes." " I sure would appreciate the Government looking into this. We can't do anything legally unless Congress gets into the act. Yes. Please keep me informed. Thank you."

Ben goes back to his computer terminal, muttering to himself, "OK, Gya Mon, I'm getting you set up legally. Now how can I fix your personal life?"

Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

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