A Topological Slide

The stereoscopic pair of images above give a distant view of the Jorge- Meeks Trinoid. It is possible to view them as a single 3D image by staring at them and slightly crossing the eyes until the images merge.

The Jorge-Meeks Trinoid minimal surface is a sphere with three points removed from its equator. This topological transformation casts the region surrounding the missing points into funnel shapes which extend outward infinitely. The computer graphic process of discrete sampling of the parametric function results in a distortion of the funnels into angular forms.

The following image sequence shows the riders point of view as recorded from one video input of the stereoscopic HMD. The sequence begins up near the boundry of one of the funnel shaped extremeties of the Jorge-Meeks Trinoid and progresses as the rider slides down toward the open polar region and rides along the edge.

The image below is from a chroma key video composite. It shows the rider immersed in virtual space and sliding along the edge of a hole formed by the parameterization of the Jorge-Meeks Trinoid.

The stereoscopic pair of images above give a distant view of Enneper's Minimal Surface. It is possible to view them as a single 3D image by staring at them and slightly crossing the eyes until the images merge.

Ennepers minimal surface is essentially a disk warped into a saddle shape which intersects itself as its edge is extended toward infinity. In the Enneper-Weierstrass parameterization used here, the edge happens to always lie on a sphere.

The following image sequence shows the riders point of view as recorded from one video input of the stereoscopic HMD. The sequence begins as the rider slides across Enneper's surface on a region located about halfway between the center and the perimeter of the parameterization. The rider moves "under" the arching form of the "saddle" rotating his head in order to look up and back toward the polar center.

The image below is from a chroma key video composite. It shows the rider immersed in virtual space and looking up at the overarching form of Enneper's surface as it curves away from the center point of the parameterization.

Michael Scroggins                         http://emsh.calarts.edu/~aka/
CalArts                                   aka@smithers.calarts.edu
School of Film/Video                      VOX (805) 254 0591
Valencia, CA 91355                        FAX (805) 253 7824