Stewart Dickson
110 N. Whipple St.
Fort Bragg, CA  95437
Contact: The Williams Gallery.

Portfolio of Mathematica

(updated 17 October, 2000)

Artist's Statement

Mathematica Trefoil Knot Trefoil Knot, Mathematica computer visualization, (c) 1991, Stewart Dickson. Press Here for price list.

Software/Hardware used: The Mathematica system for doing mathematics by computer on a Sun 3/160 workstation.

Trefoil Knot Stereolithograph Trefoil Knot, Stereolithograph, Dimensions: 3.5" X 8.1" X 8.4". (c) 1989 Stewart Dickson. Press Here for price list.

Software/Hardware used: Custom programming by Stewart Dickson on a Silicon Graphics Iris 2400T. Stereolithography by 3D Systems, Inc.

Trefoil Knot with Green Snakeskin Pattern Green Snake Trefoil Knot, OpenInventor computer visualization, (c) 2000, Stewart Dickson.

Press Here for price list.

Software/Hardware used: Custom programming in C++/ OpenInventor by Stewart Dickson on a Silicon Graphics Personal Iris 4D/20G.

Computer-Printed Sculpture with Printed-In Surface Color Green Snake Trefoil Knot, Color 3-D Print, Dimensions: 1.5" x 4" x 4". (c) 2000, Stewart Dickson.

Press Here for price list.

Custom programming in C by Stewart Dickson on a Silicon Graphics Personal Iris 4D/20G. Color 3-D Printing by Z Corporation.

Klein Bottle Stereolithograph Klein Bottle, after Paul Chang, Stereolithograph, Dimensions: 6" x 3" x 3". (c) 1993, Stewart Dickson.

Press Here for price list.

A Gallery of Mathematical Sculptures Virtual Gallery, Wavefront computer rendering, (c) 1990 Stewart Dickson.

Hardware/Software used: Wavefront Technologies Advanced Visualizer on a Silicon Graphics Iris 4D/70S workstation.

Exponent 5 Fermat Surface Fermats Last Theorem...

Costa's 3-Ended Minimal Surface Minimal Surfaces...

Contact: The Williams Gallery.

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