Stewart Dickson
23115 Bluebird Drive
Calabasas, CA  91302
Contact: The Williams Gallery.

Portfolio of Geodesic Constructions

(updated 16 October, 2000)

Step One of the Construction Circles Oriented at the Vertices and Edges of a Tetrahedron, Mathematica computer rendering, (c) 1990 Stewart Dickson.

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Step Two of the Construction Tetrahedral Circular Arcs Truncated at their Intersections, Mathematica computer rendering, (c) 1990 Stewart Dickson.

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Step Three of the Construction Tessellated Six-Arc Boundaries which form the Tetrahedral Lattice Unit, computer rendering, (c) Stewart Dickson 1986.

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Unit Construction Variation Geodesic Tetrahedron, Mathematica computer visualization, (c) Stewart Dickson 1990.

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Structural Variation Geodesic Cyclohexane, Mathematica computer rendering, (c) Stewart Dickson 1991.

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Structural Variation Geodesic Adamantane, Mathematica computer rendering, (c) Stewart Dickson 1991.

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Physical Model in Plaster Gauze Polyp City, Plaster Gauze, (c) Stewart Dickson 1986.

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Geogesic Octahedron Press Here to continue to the Cubic/Octahedral construction variation.

See also Kirby Urner's Synergetics on the Web
Contact: The Williams Gallery.

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