MathArt Logo Stewart Dickson Collaborations

Stewart Dickson/Michael Scroggins - A Topological Slide

Set piece designed in CAD for Stereolithography Ronald Jones, Petrarch's Air

Stewart Dickson, digital foundryman

Carl Cheng - Los Angeles Metro Rail Green Line Redondo Beach "Marine" Station

Stewart Dickson, digital foundryman and collaborator.

W. Daniel Hillis - The Clock of the Long Now

What's this picture? See also the Wolfram Demonstration of the Equation of Time Cam.
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Rose Marshack and Stewart Dickson -- LumaStretch

Text and images (c) 1994 Stewart Dickson
110 N. Whipple St.
Fort Bragg, CA 95437 USA
(707)813-0385 (tel.) (e-mail)