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Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

The former Gya Mon has changed her name to Ojai Matron.

She is in repose on a chaise, with her attendants and visitors.

A great deal has changed.

After the accident, she closed all of her camps, but Camp Tranquility, or turned them over to the local managers. She sold her grand palace and built a smaller home right at the Camp, so she could be surrounded by her favorite students.

Ben, Julia and Theo are in attendance. They are enjoying fruit drinks and sparkling water on a pleasant afternoon.

Ojai's head is completely shaven -- she just couldn't deal with the thinning hair. As are all of those present, Ojai is nude. She has full breasts. She has lost wieght. She reclines easily, her legs apart, exposing a well-formed vulva.

Ojai sighs heavily, "Of all the things one could want to become, a fifty-year-old woman is not what first comes to mind."

Katherine is at her side. She says, "But we could not love you as you were. We can love you like this."

"My scars are aching," Ojai sighs, "Could you please massage them, Katherine dear?"

Katherine, who has been sitting at her feet, moves to place her hand on Ojai's pubic mound and begins administering the Yoni massage.

Ojai purrs, "It's a marvelous thing those surgeons did for me. This clitoris, I'm still not used to it yet."

Ojai leans her head back, "Ohhh, please join me, everyone..."

Julia smiles at Ben, takes his penis in her left hand, her right hand cupped behind his neck and draws him to her. He mounts her.

Theo goes to Sarah. Their hands go to each other's crotch and they fall together, kissing deeply.

As she massages Ojai, Katherine begins to masturbate herself.

They continue in mutual bliss like this for several minutes. Then, a feeling of disorientation and vertigo suddenly overcomes them all. A shape forms in their minds, a torus-within a torus-within a torus. Infinitely embedded within itself. They see it simultaneously from within and without, filling all space.

Then, "Ping", the form turns inside-out.

In their minds, a wordless voice breathes, ... "Welcome."


Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

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