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Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

Later, back in Ben's office. Ben hears Julia come home, but she goes straight to her room. He looks up, puzzled. She usually says something to him when she comes home.

Ben gets up and is turning out the lights, but before he does he sees one of Steve's Braille interfaces. He can't figure out how one of the "devices" got in his Office.

Ben picks up the tactile pad, disconnects it from the computer cable and goes to find Julia. She is sitting in a darkened room in old sweat clothes sitting on the bed looking out the window. She looks very tired and sad.

"What's wrong?" Ben asks, "Aren't you feeling well?"

Ben sits on the bed beside her and puts the "device" down on the bed next to Julia. He puts his arm around her. Julia looks at the device, shudders and shrinks down into her clothes. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Julia," Ben says, "What is it?"

"I can't believe it," She says.

"What?" Ben feels her profound sadness and takes her face between his hands. Looking directly into her eyes, "What can't you believe?"

"He tricked me, Ben," She says, "He took my deepest beliefs, my self confidence. He took my soul Ben."

Ben is groping for some kind of understanding, "He took your soul?"

Julia is distraught, "He took my soul, my trust, my beliefs." Pausing, she looks into BEN's eyes. "Ben, he raped me."

Ben is alarmed, but still not fully understanding, "What,... what do you mean? Who raped you?"

Julia replies, sobbing, "Gya Mon."

"Gya Mon?" Ben asks, "Gya Mon's in Denver honey. How...?" He looks down and realizes that the tele-tactile device was the means. "I'll kill him."

Julia, quietly crying, goes on, "You know what? I can't even press charges. There's no evidence. No semen, no DNA, no nothing. He was never here." Ben wraps his arms around her trying to comfort her.

Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

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