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Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

Gya Mon has expanded his clientele of people who are using the tele-touch device, now informally dubbed Feel-U-Feel-Me in 'Net discussion, to practice tantric exercises via Telepresence. Gya Mon's group sessions are moderated by Ben's autonomous Web agent.

Gya Mon is selling the Feel-U-Feel-Me devices at a very high price. He is selling them to only the very rich and the very beautiful.

Gya Mon's is in his newly created Media Room. He is talking on the phone. The Media Room is plush with velvet throw pillows, Indian erotic tapestries on the walls, incense burning and elaborate brass candelabras. There are computers and a video wall.

Gya Mon is speaking briskly, "Yes, have you received your Tantric Practice Pad? Well, I have not yet received approval on your credit card. I must wait until I have received this. I cannot connect just anyone to my system. We are trying to achieve a certain level here... I do not know why this is taking longer than usual..."

His tone begins to change, "Your voice... It is very deep for a woman.... So intriguing... Are you familiar with my techniques? You have never studied at one of my retreats? It doesn't matter. I am getting vibrations from your voice, that you are someone very special... I will connect you... I think I can teach you many things. Are you naked? Please sit on your Practice Pad and initiate the program on your computer."

The video wall shows dozens of individual men and women in various settings -- nude -- in various erotic poses -- various parts of their anatomy pressed into "Feel-U-Feel-Me" screens. Some have assumed correct yogic postures, others have not. One screen is highlighted showing the latest woman to join the session.

These people are engaging in a group cyber-sex session controlled by Gya Mon and his autonomous Web agent. The Feel-U-Feel-Me pads are dull and dark. The scene has taken on a little of the look of cheap pornography. The figures move in a very dis-jointed fashion.

Gya Mon is sitting, his genitals engaged in a Feel-U-Feel-Me device. Now, he is not just having cyber-sex with a single woman -- he is actively engaged in the coupling of a hundred people simultaneously.

From the video wall emanates the sound of a hundred people making love. In Gya's case, it is a psychic short-circuit. He can barely handle it -- his face is beet-red -- sweat is pouring down his body. But he is getting no-where. He cannot experience himself what he has been teaching.

Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

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