Feel-U-Feel-Me Logo Previous Page Contents Next Page

Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

Theodora drives to Larry's house, in preparation to taking him to the airport. She lets herself in. "Hi, are you ready to go?" She calls as she's closing the door behind her.

"Sure," Larry calls from the rear of the townhouse. "I'm just washing my breakfast dishes."

Theo sees the suitcase by the front door. She sees Larry's briefcase bulging uncharacteristically and tries to lift it. "Whatcha got in your briefcase? This thing weighs a ton."

Larry replies, "It's a pair of Braille computer interface pads. Steve from the Lab is letting me borrow them to take to San Francisco. I tell you, it just keeps building with you technoids. First you send me across the country and then you load me down with more junk to show off."

Theo is curious, "What exactly do they do?" She asks.

Larry appears in the doorway and says, "Well, I guess when I put my hand on the pad in San Francisco you would be able to feel it in Chicago."

Theo is incredulous, "No Way!"

"I felt the demo with my own hand," Larry replies.

"This will blow them away in San Francisco!" Theo enthuses, "Will it hook up to my computer?"

Larry replies, "Steve said it would connect to any PC."

"Cool!" Theo is on a roll, "You have two of them. Why don't you leave one and we could connect cross-country?"

Larry is catching up with Theo, "Well, I guess I don't HAVE to carry two of them -- I don't know why he gave me two -- Steve wouldn't mind. Would you mind being the other half of the demo?

Theo bubbles, "Would I mind? Are you kidding? It would be like being there without being there. Oh this is wonderful! You know I really appreciate you doing this for me. Will it really work?"

Larry is just taking all this as it comes, "I guess we're gonna find out."

Theo says, "You're going to make me a hit and I won't even have to be there! Thank you. I really appreciate you doing this for me."

Copyright 2000 Stewart Dickson and Rebecka Dickson

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