DTM Corporation 1611 Headway Circle Austin, Texas 78754 512/339-2922 / (512)339-0634 (FAX)Makers of Selective Laser Sintering solid powdered thermoplastic rapid prototyping technology.
The Sinterstation 2000 has a build capacity of twelve inches and can build
parts directly in Polycarbonate, Nylon, machining wax or metals.
The host computer calculates sequential, horizontal (constant Z) cross-sections of the given CAD model. The SLS rolls powdered thermoplastic from a reservoir cylinder into the build cylinder, leaving a flat surface. A high-power Carbon Dioxide laser is scanned across the surface, heating and fusing the powder to a precise slice depth below the surface.
When the slice is fused and hardened, another slice-thick layer of powder is rolled into the cylinder. The next exposed layer, as it hardens, fuses to the previous layer.
Here is an example of
a selective laser-sintered mathematical visualization in polycarbonate.
See also DTM.com