Models of Communication:
Broadcast/Centralized vs. Internet/Distributed
Stewart Dickson
Copyright 2000
Here are the reasons we must pay attention to the Internet.
In the top half of the following image is the "old" model of electronic
media. It is comprised of a small number of expensive broadcast-only
devices (A), which transmit signals through Free Air (actually, a Federally-
Administered limited publicly-owned resource, known as the Standard Broadcast
transmission frequency spectrum) to a large number of low-cost receive-only
devices (B). (C) is our friend, the Military-Industrial Complex. (D) is
centralized media production.
Some attributes of this model:
The information property is centralized due to the cost of broadcast.
Once it is broadcast, the intellectual content is essentially lost --
unless captured by home-based analog devices (VCR). But the coding of
the intellectual information is essentially opaque and inaccessible.
The electronic media culture is closed, elitist and entirely
self-referential -- the only thing it has to compare itself to is
The measure of public response to the media is vague and inaccurate --
to its own advantage!
It is a hierarchical, top-down model.
The second model, in the lower half of the attached image, is the
Internet. This is a flat network of (reasonably) low-cost desktop stations
which not only receive, but can create and transmit electronic media.
The Internet is literally a world-wide web: at the limit it is a network
of wires run from house-to-house, which spans the globe. In the perfect
world, each person owns and supports his(her) network node and half of
the wires running from his or her house.
Some attributes of this model:
The information property is distributed.
The intellectual content is always available, recoverable, and directly
accessible to analysis by computer-aided methods and by autonomous
computer agents.
The electronic media culture is open to EGALITARIAN critism.
The measure of public response to the media is as accurate as the
available computer-based analytical tools -- I have great faith in the
ability of these tools to show us things about our culture which have
the potential to radically affect out culture.
It is a flat, grass-roots model.
Komrades! The Internet is is the stuff Peoples' Revolutions are made of!
If we cannot take control of the television station, we can usurp its power
by becoming our own television station!
We must pay attention to and immerse ourselves in this new culture. It is
the future. We must be there if we want to know what is coming. It is
happening too fast to know in any other way.